Sunday, June 26, 2011

.....Or Not.

Something way down inside me wants to post something today, problem is I have no idea what the fuck to talk about.

I could talk about my love life, but that's such a boring ass topic.  It always boils down to, I'm fat, girls don't like fat; and I have an odd personality.  Girls don't like odd either.

I could talk about the secret lusts bubbling at the back of my brain, but nobody wants to stomach such nonsense.

I could talk about why my house creeps me the fuck out sometimes, but that's old hat and might aggravate whatever wants to kill me in these walls.

I could bitch about my current line of life, how I don't really want to spend my entire summer taking care of my brothers for 8 hours a day, but everyone has their problems, why read about mine?

I could do something about games, but that just plays to my nerdy side and no one really cares about that junk.

I could go on a rant and tell people to grow a pair; life won't make every endeavor you attempt work out like a dream!  But again, who needs that, it's all over TV.

I could discuss how I think the world will end, spinning a wild tale about aliens from Jupiter and a zombie apocalypse consisting only of lunch meat, but that would just be helping Scientologists out.

I could discuss what I would do after I won it big in the lottery, but that'd be boring and just show how greedy and dorky I am.

I could talk about my internal struggle of  what my dreams are telling me, but that's depressing.

I could talk about how P!nk's recent songs have really spoken to me, but that might give you all the Gay.

I could tell you a manly tale about how I conquered the Pacifists of the Ghandi Nebula, but of course, you already know that one.  Also you're reading this in my sweet seductive voice.

All in all,  have no idea what I want to talk about.  Maybe next time...

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