Thursday, June 9, 2011


Ok, first off, Video Games Live was so FUCKING AMAZINGLY COOL!  They played a hell of a lot of our home grown music: World of Warcraft, Lair, Heroes of Might and Magic, lots of stuff.  There was a lot of guest composers; a lot of which I'm ashamed to say I didn't know...but still!  I was close to going comatose plenty of times during the show!

I gained a newfound respect for World of Warcraft music, I suppose what I've heard until last night was from earlier times?  My favorite entries?  #1 Wind of Madness, Wesker's theme from Resident Evil 5. #2 The Castlevania medley, not my favorite songs, but they were good.  Dreams of Triumph, the Castlevania 64 theme and Vampire Killer, I believe. #3 The Chrono medley: Earlier Times, Frog's Theme, and Time's Scar.

I've come to realize there's a stark difference in hearing a song via one's Apple product and hearing it live.  It's amazing to hear it live, the phrase "Feeling the music" applies tenfold. 

Besides the show, the trip was fun too.  The roadcrew was as follows:  Ryan Uyematsu, Mike Groom, Chris Nichols (AKA Tall Justin.), David Casas and myself.  We stopped as Roscoe's for food at first!  They have some damn good Chicken and Waffles. Akin to how good food USED to be.  ^_^

Afterwards we stopped at In-N-Out and reminisced about life and the concert.  Good times, haha.  I finally got my ass home at 1 AM and decided to jump on the Xbox, I was too pumped for bed, haha. 

Can't wait til next year!!

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