Sunday, February 5, 2012

Gamer's Eye

As a gamer, I'm constantly asked "What's your favorite game?"  I shudder at the question because i can never choose a single game I truly enjoy at any time or that I can play forever.  So, A couple people cobbled together a few categories.  Well, sit down, I have quite a few to go through.

Zombie Related Games
Well, there's honestly only 3 flavors I can think of this genre having: Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, and Dead Space.  And since Dead Space is less of a zombie game and more of an Alien game, I'd have to say I like Resident Evil 1 Remake the best of all.  It's the perfect blend of suspense, who-dunnit, horror, and action.  The graphics on the cube are great, the game is much better than its PS1 original, and is always a ton of fun to play.  I love the storyline, and the overall layout of the land, despite myself knowing it all, sometimes I forget things or find new camera angles.  I adore REmake!

First and Third Person Shooters
Ahh yes, the genre of the bane of my gaming existence.  I despise Call of Duty with everything I've got, that's no secret.  But, since there's a plethora of shooters and only a few I've played: in the case of first person shooters Bioshock is my favorite.  It fulfills my storyline requirement. Has a very ingenious system involving the Plasmids and upgrade system.  Everything fits together so perfectly, and not many shooter games can do that for me. Out of the Third Person shooters: Dead Space hands fucking down. I love Dead Space, it was one of the few new games to scare the hell out of me on my first run.  Lovely blend of story, action, fear, tension and all around awesomeness.  I have to say Necromorphs are one of my favorite new generation enemy breeds.  Something about an Alien bacteria contorting human corpses into vile, disturbing creatures totally rocks me.

Western and J RPG's
I've never really liked Western RPG's.  I've yet to play one that made me want to keep playing.  9/10 times I drop the game pretty quick.  I guess because the earliest RPG's I played were asian ones.  Final Fantasy mainly, and Super Mario RPG.  I had a rough time thinking about my favorite RPG.  I finally concluded that it is Chrono Trigger though.  Chrono Trigger is simple in many ways, but has a great story, amazing characters, great game mechanics and is overall just a great game.  Runners Up were Final Fantasy IV and Persona 3 FES.  FFIV was my first ever RPG and remains my favorite Final Fantasy in the series.  P3FES has the most amazing story of any video game I've played, and extremely innovative mechanic and gameplay style, but it loses because of how much grinding you have to do.  Although I really do love Kingdom Hearts, but it's more of a neo-action RPG than a classic one.

Fighters (2D and 3D)
Fighting games are probably the one genre I play the most.  I have this insatiable urge to play them and get better, but constantly lose during online play.  Of course, there's 2 styles here.  2D fighters in which your characters move on a single 2D plane, and 3D in which you can rotate or move freely on a 3D environment.  I have massive hard on for Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 in the 2D department.  I constantly find myself playing this game, trying new teams, getting better, losing online, grinding for H&H cards, etc.  Just overall love the game, it has a simple yet refined system and and amazing cast, though not without it's unbalanced characters.  As far as 3D fighters go, I have to say Soul Calibur 2 takes that one.  I played the hell out of the Xbox version of that game.  The cast was really interesting, and the game played like a dream.  It's fuckin' SOUL CALIBUR!  Plus the Xbox version had Spawn as an exclusive!
Racing (Arcade and Sim)
This one is short, because I've never been a big fan of racing games.  My favorite one?   Mario Kart Wii.  Why?  Two Words: Dry Bones

Shoot 'Em Ups and Space Shooters
I believe this prevents confusion with your category Ryan, haha.  Anyways, these are kinda of dying breeds without being in the Indie Games category.  Shmups usually follow the walk-sideways-and-shoot-stuff formula, akin to Super Turrican on the SNES.  Space Shooters are games like R-Type, Gradius, 1942 and other games.  Shmups is easily taken by a certain series in my mind: Contra.  Contra is friggin' hard, but somehow coerces you into playing it more.  The bosses range from giant robots to giant blobs with baby heads.  It's awesome, it's over the top, it's fun.  Space Shooters, I actually narrow it down to one game; Gradius III on the SNES.  The music is addicting, so is the action, the weapons are awesome, and the bosses rule!  Worth playing for sure, but it is rather difficult.

Visual Novels
Actually, I've only really played one.  And that one is.... Hotel Dusk on the Nintendo DS.  I haven't even beaten yet, but I love the style!

Dating Sims
I've never really played a dating sim before, unless you count certain parts of Catherine.

Real-time Strategy       
Well, like any good nerd, I got into this in the era of Warcraft.  However, WC was completely eclipsed when Dad brought home Starcraft ! I had never played anything like it before.  There were humans (feh!), Organic aliens (Zerg, whoo!!), and advanced aliens (Protoss, eh.) I've always loved playing as non human entities, and the savage Zerg were totally up my alley.  I never really forgot my experiences with Starcraft, the story was amazingly well done, the characters were all memorable, the mechanics were unlike anything I'd played before, and everything looked so good!  Easily my favorite, and I've yet to play SC2.

Life Sims
If you want to get technical, my favorite life sim would have to be Seventh Cross Evolution on the Dreamcast.  You start as an amoeba eating particles, then grow into a snake eating small organisms, then into a reptilian based fish thing.  As you eventually find a stone monolith thingy, you can draw pattern to create new evolutions for your animal.  Examples being, a bone covered chest, bladed arms, and bipedal legs.  You start off fighting crabs around your lake, and once you make new evolutions, your creature is able to explore new areas and take on new enemies.  I never knew what the story was or what the games objective was.  I was too young to know or try to know.  I just remember it being fresh, and new!

Platformer (2D and 3D) 
Ahh yes, my original genre.  My first game was Super Mario Bros. on the NES.  I wasn't very good, but I was playing it!  Platformers are very hard to come by these days, good ones at least.  In 2D, Super Castlevania IV is my favorite.  It's everything you love about old timey Castlevania wrapped up in a visually pleasing 16 bit package!  The controls are much less clunky, everything looked fresh, and the music is addicting as hell!  nothing really bad about this game except how hard the last levels are.  I've barely played any 3D platformers, mainly because I find them difficult to control, since no one quite knows how to make a good one.  However, one game still did it 100% right in my mind: Super Mario 64 .  This is the game that I judge most 3D platformers by.  Everything is really good about this game, the only real gripe I have is with the camera.  In certain areas it can be a pain, but it functions just fine everywhere else!  

Well, there you have it everyone!  I hope you enjoy it!  ^^

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