Monday, June 11, 2012


It's been eons since I pumped out one of these. I have a slight need to vent, and I get asked how I'm doing often enough to warrant one of these entries.

I'm at that point in the year where everything has settled into a twisted complacency, an acceptance of things to come.  Yup; my grandma flew off to Mexico for the summer, mainly to be with her sister.  As such, I am tasked with the care of my brothers.  It's going to be a living hell, but I've come out smelling like roses before, I can do it again.  The issue lies more with the way my brothers all interact.

Collin is at the point in his life where testosterone is beginning to surge through his body, so he's in the most physically Bro-tastic part of his pubescent existence.  He can't leave the younger ones alone, he intrinsically MUST irritate them.  The greatest show of his physical "prowess" is to jump and touch the underside of doorways.  He can't seem to relax at all, beyond being tired or lazy.  So, having his sweaty, smelly, hyperactive existence around two children who are screamers....yeah.

Garren is in his Emotional / Defeatist Phase.  Everything is the end of the world, from waiting a moment for a cup of juice, to Collin poking him in the side.  How does he show this?  It depends.  If he's not hyperactive, he does that typical TV show of sadness: slumped shoulders, sad look on his ace and that irritatingly pitiful whimper.  If he's more active, he looses a loud wailing scream of irritation.  Hearing this for more than half the day has already begun to wear on my sanity.  Garren also has a quality in which he plays stupid about being asked to do something, even if he responds to it.  "I didn't hear that." or "Well, you could mean that mess over there!"  I often fantasize about having Mom ground him for the summer, just to show him who's boss around this place.

Callum.  Well, the kid's 3, so...yeah. He's jut irritating by nature.  He's possessive, selfish, and a screamer.  Typical everyday kid.  Doesn't keep me from going crazy when he's whining, screaming or crying, but at least he's not fully aware of it.

Mom and Dad have been white and black with me til this point.  I guess it comes down to how shitty their day at work was.  Sometimes they come home fine, completely content and maybe even a little jovial.  Other days, I just stick to my room to avoid getting yelled at for something stupid.  Unfortunately, no matter what their demeanor, they settled into me being their errand boy.  I'm constantly going out for groceries, gas, dinner, alcohol, laundry crud, the whole she-bang.  I can understand being tired after work, I do work Retail after all, but there's a limit to my patience.  It really pushes my buttons because they still treat me like a child in some ways.  My opinion doesn't matter to them.  They use my money whenever they want, or offer my money up without asking me first.  I'm all for them borrowing what they need, but asking permission is a must.  *sigh*  I really hope I get this job at Harbor Freight.  It'll allow me to flex my tech muscle, and I'll make enough to save up for a year, then move the hell out of this place.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family to death, and wouldn't think twice about taking a bullet for them, but our personalities are simply too toxic for each other. 

Speaking of jobs, yes, I'm trying to get a tech job at Harbor Freight.  If I get it, it'll mean big things for me, so I'm really hoping I get it.  I know I can handle it, I am my Father's son after all.  I just have my fingers crossed at all times.  My current job is definitely getting old, fast.  I like most of my co-workers.  Tezo and Jen I see most, besides Michelle and Emily.  I know people are doing their best at their job, but the camaraderie of CCR is all but dead.  I barely have any incentive to keep going there beyond the money.  If I even think about trying to make light conversation, I usually get a blanks stare or MAYBE an awkward chuckle, and then it's back to work.  Any awards or accolades given to us grunts is never even heard of.  It's always about what you did wrong, not what you did right.  Not the good sections of your workmanship, but what need to be improved.  There's no reward for going above and beyond the call of duty, not even a thank you, and warm fuzzies only do so much for a person.  It's not the worst job by any means, I just wish things weren't so dismal.

My love life is still non-existent.  I don't really feel the flutters of longing any more.  I'll find a girl cute, or attractive, or notice she has an amazing ass, but that's about it.  Every once in a blue moon I'll entertain the fantasy of having a girlfriend, but ultimately, I have to wonder if I'm really cut out for it.  I'm contented with the occasional hook up or shameless ogling, at least for now.  Maybe once I reach a weight that I don't feel disgusted with.  They say the first step to loving another is to love oneself.  Hell, maybe that's my issue.  Difficult to say, but honestly, I simply don't want to deal with that side of myself.  It's more trouble than it's worth.

Gaming wise, I still pursue the path of being a balanced gamer.  I still play Ultimate Marvel 3 like a fiend, but am also playing Minecraft (AKA Virtual Legos for Adults), Final Fight, Castlevania, Starcraft II and others.  On Marvel, I dropped my recent team of Zero, Ryu and Dr. Doom in favor of my fanboy team of Wesker, Nemesis and Firebrand.  I then realized that subbing Zero in for Wesker made for easy mixups with Hienkyaku/Demon Missile Assist shenanigans.  After some experimenting though, I came to realize that my limited knowledge of how to play Zero combined with the fact I can't combo while charging his Zero Buster didn't allow for decent damage output wit Zero.  So, I yanked Zero and threw Dr. Doom back in.  So now I'm running Dr. Doom (Plasma Beam Assist), Nemesis (Launcher Slam Assist), and Firebrand (Demon Missile [Charge] Assist).  It's working nice, and I'm beginning to see the beauty of good Assists and incoming mixup.

On Minecraft, I happened upon a duplication glitch, so it's been fun having multiple packs of 64 Diamond.  Ithaca, as I've named my fort and world, is now also home to three tamed Wolves: Kaz, Charlotte and Bartz.  Working on finding a couple more for the Leader of the pack cheevo, and so I can have a mini army of attack wolves.  Collin was playing with me, so we tested it.  Turns out if my wolves are near me and Collin attacks me, they all go rape him.  It's awesome, hurr hurr.

Well, you know the drizzill, comments, questions n schtuff, feel free to leave a comment below.  Have a nice night folks.